I just started to learn svenska a month ago.
And I found it quite difficult in pronunciation.
The accent is a lot like German.
Anyway I will blog down what I learn in svenska project to my blog.
I'll start it with the pronouns
1. Personal pronouns
2. Possessive pronouns
3. Relative pronouns
4. Demonstrative pronouns
5. Indefinite pronouns
6. Interrogative pronouns
1. Personal pronouns : singular and plural
Singular pronouns (subjective / objective pronouns)
I >>> Jag / mig
You >>> Du / dig
He >>> Han / honom
She >>> Hon / henne
It >>> Den-Det/den-det
Plural pronouns (subjective / objective pronouns)
We >>> Vi / oss
You >>> Ni / er
They >>> De(pronounced "dom") / dem(pronounced "dom")
2. Possessive pronouns
My >>> min/mitt/mina
Your >>> din/ditt/dina
His >>> hans
Her >>> hennes
Its >>> dess
Our >>> vår / våran / vårat
Your >>> er/ert/era
Their >>> deras
3. Relative pronouns
som : who, whom
>>> Pojken som gick förbi är min bror : The boy who walked past is my brother
vilken : which
>>> Företaget sålde i juni för 20 miljoner, vilket betyder en femprocentig ökning : company sales were 20 million in June, which is a five per cent increase
4. Demonstrative pronouns
denna / denne / detta / dessa : this/these
>>> denna dag : this day
>>> detta hus---this building
>>> dessa böcker---these books
den / det / dess / de : that
>>> den boken har jag inte läst : I have not read that book
>>> den här (boken) : this (book) ---> idiom
>>> de där (skorna) : those (shoes) ---> idiom
5. Indefinite pronouns : singular vs plural
Singular e.g.
another >>> annan
anything >>> någonting
something >>> någonting
Plural e.g.
both >>> båda
few >>> få
6. Interrogative pronouns
Vad? >>> what?
Vem? >>> who?
Var? >>> where?
Vart? >>> whither whereto?
Hur? >>> how?
När? >>> when?
Varför? >>> why?
Vilken/vilket/vilka? >>>which?
Way to go!
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