Saturday, May 24, 2008

Love insurance

“What would you do?” you asked me while
I was looking at the photos of you on my desktop wallpaper.

I have no idea.
I’d give up on you?
Am I a good candidate for amygdalectomy?

I’ve always come up with lots of academic/family/financial/investment plans.
But when it comes to love.
There seems to be no plans at all. Totally unpredictable and unreliable.
Heartbreaking could be either gradual or abrupt in onset.
Is there an insurance company that provides insurance for love accidents
or even just a crush?

Isn’t it ironic? Don’t you think?
I have myself insured against MVA.
I’ve always had backup plans for financial / investment / inflation problems.
Yearly check up for my parents to prevent diseases and promote their health.
Regular exercise and healthy diet to keep myself fit.
I am a clever investor.
I am totally monogamous.
I have a promising career with monthly 6-figured income(in baht).
I am good-looking? and tender... compassionate and sympathetic.
Heartbroken for 3 times officially.
I had a crush on Oui without love insurance.
Falling in love with you has the highest risk and would even cost me all my heart.
You seem to be newbie in the field.
You don’t seem to know your own heart. 
I could buy a malpractice insurance once I become a board-certified neurosurgeon.
I have a medical insurance for myself and my parents.
I have a car insurance.
I could buy an insurance for every risk in life.
what about love accidents.
why isn’t there any insurance company that provides an insurance for LA(love accidents)?

My thoughts seem to become more and more tangential.
Love has its limit.
Love is beautiful.
Love is unpredictable.
The only way to insure myself against Love Accidents would be 
cardiectomy or anesthetizing my heart so that I will never have a heartache again.

I wish I had congenital acardia.

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